In the spirit of going back to school, we decided to check in and see what some of our friendly neighborhood design interns were upto these days. It turns out that they were carrying some cool stuff! Let's have a looksee.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Allen - Intern at the Henry Art Gallery
Kitty Cat Pouch, Olfa Cutter, Pens by Staedtler and Muji, Tombow Mono Aqua Liquid Adhesive, Change Purse. And, one iphone for life and one ipod touch for music. Kind of baller to be carrying two pda's, ya think?.. do people still say PDA? Probably not. Oh bother...

Tyler Sinclair Monteferrante - Intern at Push Design
Watch by Braun, Helix Ruler, Pencil Case, Pens by Staedtler and Muji, Shades. Tyler has a keen eye for clean lines. It's a wise man that carries a ruler with him.

Karlie Grasle - Intern at Design Commission
iPhone Stencil by UI Stencils (to wireframe like a rockstar), X-Acto Knife, and Gum Eraser - primitive yet effective. Karlie keeps it real refined with headphones in an integrated black polka dot case - polka dots are so under utilized.